Sunday, May 17, 2020

Hemingways A Clean Well-Lighted Place Essay - 1552 Words

I chose to read and write about Hemingways A Clean Well-Lighted Place. Here is a summary of what happens. Two waiters in a Spanish cafà © are waiting one night for their last customer, an old man, to leave. As they wait, they talk about the old mans recent suicide attempt. The younger waiter is impatient to leave and tells the dead old man he wishes the suicide attempt had been successful. The young waiter has a wife waiting in bed for him and is unsympathetic when the older waiter says that the old man once had a wife. The old man finally leaves when the younger waiter refuses to serve him anymore. The older waiter argues that they should have allowed their customer to stay, that being in the cafà © is not the same as†¦show more content†¦The old man reminded me of a usual old man that has nothing to do besides sit around and get drunk. I liked how Hemingway used an age gap between characters, to show a difference in the way they acted. Its like it showed the evolutionary path that happens. First youre an impatient young man, and then you grow older and slow down to appreciate life. Finally youre old enough where life doesnt matter. You can see things like this in real life. When you are younger, say teens to early twenties, people tend to try to act superior or invincible. The world evolves around them. Just like the young waiter, in the story, young people are impatient. Especially just waiting for some old man. The young waiter doesnt want to wait; he has more important things to do. Hes tired, his wifes in bed, getting this old man to leave. His entire motivations have to do with himself. He doesnt see the old man as anything as an obstacle. He doesnt see him as a person. He wished him dead. The older waiter sees it much different. He has been around and understands that all the old man wants is a clean well-lighted place to drink his bra ndy. He knows the difference between and nice cafà © and some old bodega. This reminds me of how separated olderShow MoreRelated Yearning for Peace in Hemingways A Clean, Well-Lighted Place 1190 Words   |  5 PagesYearning for Peace in Hemingways A Clean, Well-Lighted Place  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚         While Hemingways short story A Clean, Well-Lighted Place is usually interpreted as an intensely poetic description of despair, it can with equal validity be seen instead as mankinds never ending yearning to find spiritual peace. Hemingways short story displayed this emotional journey in many different ways. First, the title itself is a symbol for mans desire to find a state of tranquillity, safety, and comfort. HemingwayRead MoreSymbolism In Ernest Hemingways A Clean, Well-Lighted Place1048 Words   |  5 PagesLife in a Lonely World In Ernest Hemingway’s story, â€Å"A Clean, Well-Lighted Place† the meaning could be takin in diverse way depending on how you see the story. 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